Saturday, February 11, 2012

Iron Maiden Return

I let a friend borrow one of my Iron Maiden DVDs back in December (maybe even November) and totally forgot about it. They gave it back the other day. I'm in Iron Maiden mode now all weekend.


  1. One of the all time great bands. I quit loaning out my music because I never get it back!!

  2. You take my life but I'll take yours too. You fire your musket but I'll run you through...

  3. Maiden are awesome mate, love this video so much!

  4. Truly awesome...isn't one of them an aircraft pilot as well?

    1. yeah, Bruce Dickinson sings and flies planes on the side...he piloted the band around on their last world tour (Flight 666) and was the subject of the documentary this clip is from =p

  5. One of the best and yeah a lender or borrow I never am anymore, not to anyone because they always take their sweet ass time bringing it back or don't at all.

  6. Do you know what it is to have Iron Maiden playing 5 minutes away from you and NOT BEING ABLE TO GO? It's not a cool feeling.

  7. I gave this girl my Radiohead Best Of CD, a couple years ago, and since I've moved countries so I don't expect it back, ever XD. BTW you've been tagged, check out my Silicon Dreams blog for the rules. ;)

  8. There's never a reason not to be in Iron Maiden mode. My son is 3 and he is obsessed with the band. I think that's excellent parenting on my part!! He won't go far wrong in life!!
