Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Stage Diving: It's Raining Men

I've been going to metal shows for ten years now. In my younger days I'd always fight for a spot near the front of the stage. Right in front of the pit, where the band's sweat flies freely and stage divers crash land on a regular basis. A busted lip here, scrapes, bruises, sprained wrist, dislocated finger, broken glasses here and there, twas a small price to pay for having so much fun down in the front. I think this video encapsulates the sheer awesomeness of the underground metal concert, and the art of stage diving for all you normal folk out there:

Converge + The Weather Girls = GENIUS


  1. LOL- omg, I love this. I'm totally sharing.

  2. That was funny, and nostalgic. I MISS THIS

  3. This is amazing man, I love how they're playing Raining Men as they're launching themselves off the stage, I think I'd personally enjoy their real music less haha but I'm a sucker for the Weather Girls to be fair!

  4. I'm yet to see a stage dive in person, but it's the dream to one day witness, or be a part of, one.

  5. After a while, I'd probably get tired of having to catch all those guys jumping on me.... I'm old... ;|

  6. I wish I could try stage diving
