Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Aaron Sorkin is a famous, Academy and Emmy award winning writer. His successful string of hits in film and television have made him akin to Hollywood royalty as of late. Yet, this following video will illustrate that Sorkin is a con man. He's gotten famous from plagiarizing, his work filled with recycled quips from none other than: Aaron Sorkin. Aaron Sorkin for all his success, is guilty of ripping off, himself.


  1. I've never realised this before buddy, I've never seen this film either although I've heard nothing but good things about it!

  2. He's still pretty awesome! :D

  3. He really does recycle things but they're good things. So he's still good at what he does.

  4. I think for most of these.. this is just how he actually is, so it's how he presents it when he writes it. I have a feeling if we just sat down and talked to him without a camera in the way for an hour, he'll start reciting entire paragraphs of his written material. By accident.

  5. Ha. This is pretty entertaining...

  6. A friend pointed this out to me a couple months ago, and I thought it was pretty funny. Sorkin is the master though, and if you're going to steal from someone you might as well steal from the best. Even if that happens to be yourself.
