Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Buenos Dias: I'm Sick

So I'm sick. Spent the past two days in bed feeling like recycled excrement. You know the drill. This morning I woke up at 5:00am to use the restroom and lucky for me, couldn't fall back asleep. I watched some of the local morning news programs but they repeat the exact same stories every 30 mins and that got old around 6:00am. Thank God for the Spanish news stations!

Flipping the channels, in a half groggy, nasally congested stupor, I saw a radiant vision on Telemundo's Buenos Dias Los Angeles...her name: Elva Saray.

Now keep in mind this was six o'clock in the morning, I was half dead and had no idea what she or anyone on the broadcast was saying, but I still think I know true love when I see it. So if you're ever up at the ass crack dawn and in Southern California, I highly recommend you watch out for the lovely Miss Saray.


  1. I'd rather linger near the ass crack of dawn then be up it..haha

  2. What ever happen to most weather girls. Screw the meteorologist junk

  3. Shes hotter than northern Mexico. ;) Twitter

  4. See, I'm be able to understand her, so I end up disliking her.

  5. She's bleeding lovely, get better soon as the man flu can be serious.

  6. I hope you feel better man, that's better than News 24 where you get the same story every fifteen minutes or so, depends on how much news there is, and there aren't any hot Spanish ladies to take your mind off it.

  7. Wow, that chick is extremely hot. I sure hope you feel better soon man, that sickness sounds horrible. Get well buddy, that's the most important thing.

  8. Boo @ being sick! Lame. Really hoping you get over it soon. I have never seen a weather girl rock a leather skirt before that's kinda crazy. haha

  9. Haha - Leather skirts are back! :D

  10. America needs hot weather girls like that...

  11. GET WELL !!!! . . . then come see the funnel hat to feel better. K?


  12. She has a nice bodngngnghnhnnnggghhgh

  13. Now thats a weather show worth watching! Hope you feel better soon!

  14. Sorry to hear about your health. Wishing you to get better soon.
    Usually I flip through 4 am news and 5 am news during the early morning insomnias.
    Good to know that bigboob, bigass can give temp relief :)

  15. Her top seems to match the weather - nice

  16. How the fuck do you get sick in Southern California? Take a bunch of vitamin D and if you smoke, quit.

  17. Bueno muy caliente :>

    Hope you feel better soon :<

  18. Damn, she's a hot weather girl! I hope you get better!!

  19. They sure don't have weather girls like that where I'm from.

  20. I know her, her brother and I dated for a while, she's such a sweetheart :)
