Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Trolling is an Art: Rick Perry for President

This is real:

Aside from this video being utterly hilarious, it's also kind of depressing. It's funny how Perry panders to the lowest common denominator within his party (re: GOP's "base") hoping to clench the Republican Presidential nomination for next years election by combining the two things conservatives hate/love the most, gays & Jesus' birthday, into one xenophobic ad. It's sad that here we are approaching 2012 and we don't have light sabers, jet packs or colonies on the moon, just good ol' fashioned bigotry. The more things change...

On the bright side, this video has something like 96,000 DISLIKES on Youtube as of now. It's only been up for a day and Perry's channel has been flooded with negative feedback over this thing. This causes me to laugh like no other. Why? Why would they post this type of add online? This isn't like buying airtime on some small backwoods morning news show. Either Perry's campaign is run by compete imbeciles, or the man is the greatest political Troll of our time. Neither would surprise me.


  1. My jaw kinda dropped when I saw this. I get he's not counting on the gay vote.. but anyone who feels strongly for them are just gonna vote against him out of spite. NOT EVEN because he's a total thingieicantsay.

  2. "96,000 DISLIKES on Youtube as of now. It's only been up for a day"

    Now that takes a good amount of effort haha. Hope no one votes for this guy though :/

  3. Other than the gay thing, I kind of agree with him. But he is just one huge troll, and I can't vote anyway. I just hope this guy doesn't actually win.

  4. That made me laugh and cringe...awful!

  5. This was so cringeworthy, Rick Perry as President would certainly be hilarious, I think that's tough to deny...

  6. hahaha that's just down right pathetic. You have to be a complete moron to put that out.

  7. Old people just dont get the internet.

  8. lol you americans are fucked. gardens, guns and gold :p

  9. im surprised ratings havent been disabled

  10. I like to think that these loudmouth ultra-conservatives is just a long dying howl of bigotry.

  11. It has 191162 dislikes now!

    I'm not a religius person but I do wish Jesus would have his second coming and then come out of the closet!

  12. Yeah Perry is an idiot, but they're people who buy into his garbage. Just like the Christians who constantly complain on facebook that they're being oppressed (more like they're socially prevented from oppressing others) and if the whole nation isn't under this one faith then we're all doomed.

  13. OH.MY.GAWD!! That is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. I can't believe Perry thought this would help his nomination, haha, what a douche. My goodness and you're right it is sooo sad that it's going to be 2012 and we have bigots trying to run for President-yikes!

  14. I can't believe that Perry is currently the longest serving Governor in the U.S. given all the negative things about him that have come to light during his Presidential campaign and the fact that he has come across as a total idiot several times in recent memory while speaking publicly.

  15. Trolling is a science.

  16. What is trolling anyway?

  17. when i saw the video i was like... "he cant be serious, pmg this is hilarious xD"

    shits hilarious xD
