Monday, September 5, 2011

"There Are No Pacts Between Lions and Men"

I was up late some time last week and watched part of Troy on TNT or TBS or some basic cable TV station. For those of you who don't remember, Troy is the 2004 Hollywood schlock fest of a movie that puts a blockbuster spin on Homer's The Iliad. The movie is pretty campy but entertaining nonetheless. Of course since it was broadcast on TV most of the cool stuff was edited out, like this awesome fight scene between Achilles and Hector (the highlight of the damn movie!). I went and hunted for the scene on the web and now, here it is!

Achilles vs Hector by TroikosPolemos


  1. I like the bit at the beginning with the big build-up to the fight with the big bloke, then he just stabs him in the neck.

  2. I live for the day when TV stations edit out the whole movie before they play it! Just opening credits and then end credits!

  3. Why would they edit this out? I mean, the whole thing? If you get even a TINY bit creative you can make that something between PG and PG-13. It doesn't take much, come on.

  4. dude you picked my favourite scene from troy!

  5. that was an epic battle but you knew who would win from the start

  6. If I could watch Desperado 100 times and Troy 1000 times, credit goes to Antonio and Brad.
    Though I love Helen of Troy story right from my childhood.
    Bradd Pitt and movie Troy had taken it bigtime. The crew was perfect. Milksop Paris-Orlando Bloom, Mighty, Chivalrous Hector and Achilles - Eric Bana and Bradd Pitt :)

  7. Well, hmm, I wonder... why would they edit this out??

  8. I now have the extended Blu Ray with even more extended goodness, great movie.

  9. it's only camp if you're secretly attracted to brad pitt. now, 300 was camp.

  10. They really edited this out? For real? God damnit, this is why I don't watch TV.

  11. Little too much man leg being shown here. lol.

  12. IT was a great movie. FYI Game of Thrones is somewhat the same, too bad there arent many episodes yet :(

  13. We have to wait until next year for the Season 2 of "Game of Thrones" but oh, well...

  14. Wow, I just downloa...err, rented this movie less than 24 hours ago so I could watch some good fight scenes.
