one day |
This past Friday, everyone at work was in the throes of lottery fever. I'm not a huge lottery buff, but sometimes I'll buy a ticket if I'm eating lunch with my girlfriend at this little Hawaiian BBQ place that has become famous (locally) for selling big lotto winners. Anyways, this was the biggest jackpot in the nation's history, something insane like $650+ million...so I guess the hysteria was a little warranted. Nobody in California won the huge mega Oprah prize money but there was about 23 winning tickets of smaller jackpots. You know, meager amounts between the $200,000 range. Small fries ya know?
YEAH RIGHT. And guess what,
one of those winning tickets was purchased down the street from where I live. At the news stand in the mall right next to my eye doctor and where I pay my phone bill. It's the place I buy gum and chapstick from. Ohhh what a cruel mistress fate can be. Fuck it, next time I do my monthly AT&T tithing and coming back home with some damn lottery tickets!
So, I'm curious...what would you folks do if you won the lottery? Oh lets make it a cool $100,000,000 sum. That's after taxes of course. I know for sure I'd be celebrating like
I would.. use it. I'd own a restaurant/bar/grill thing, make sure it plays live music, maintain that. Then with the rest of it, yacht, vacation island, all that pretty stuff.
ReplyDeleteYou're evil. You made me day dream, how dare you.
Use it to start my own franchise business
ReplyDeleteI've never bought a lottery ticket.
ReplyDeleteI would buy a baseball team and make myself the starting center fielder
ReplyDeleteNot a big fan of instant luck. So, I never thought about doing anything with lottery. In olden days people believed god to show up and shower them with riches and prosperity nowadays they believe in scratching more. Good for them :)
ReplyDeleteI'd celebrate like this:
I'd quit, pay off anything I owe, enjoy life and maybe even make my own movie, actually prob would do that.
ReplyDeleteThe Geoffrey dance was nice.
ReplyDeleteI like Pat's thought about financing his own movie. I could see myself doing something similar with each project being done on a smaller scale. Financing internet based content projects that put large numbers of web designers and writers to work would become my thing. Just checking in on the project during my travels around the world would be nice.
There was mad lottery fever at my place of employment as well. All those working class folk who think that's there ticket out
ReplyDeleteI would love to win the lottery more than anything buddy. I'd give my friends and family all a decent amount of money and just live comfortably without having any worries in life, it sounds a good way to live in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteIf I had that kind of money, I'd buy my own country. Probably like Finland or something.
ReplyDeleteI will travel the whole world, but properties from each country. Eat everything I've been craving for. Buy everything I want from shoes, to dress, jewelries, gadgest and such. I will treat my family, friends and cousins whatever they want.
ReplyDeleteIf I actually won it I have no idea what I'd do. I'm not really an extravagant spender. I probably would end up putting a lot of it into savings and using the rest to travel, after a big ass party of course.
ReplyDeletePersonally I'd give it all away...which people never believe but I'd set up a load of homeless shelters across the country and get some big fat media company to keep paying me 5 figure sums just for me to tell my story...karma, a gravy train for life and that warm fuzzy feeling of ripping off multi-national media firms
ReplyDeleteThat recent lottery rush was insane... I like to quote someone who calls it a math idiot's tax.
ReplyDeleteWhat would I do with 100 million dollars?...
ReplyDeleteDouble it in less than a year.
I don't know what I'd do with all that money beyond having a house built and then saving the rest for my children to inherit when I die.
ReplyDeletei would retire, and slam bitches till my dick fell off. or two chicks at the same time (office space (even though I already did this, but still wanted to throw that quote in))