Monday, August 6, 2012

Case of the Mondays: Office Space/ The Matrix mashup

It's Monday. For most people this means going back to work. For me, it's more like my Thursday since my next day off is Wed. Either way, I don't think anyone likes Mondays, anywhere on Earth. Here's a cool video mixing Office Space and The Matrix to help ease the work place monotony everyone feels at the beginning of the week:


  1. I know someone who enjoys Mondays. But I enjoy the Matrix, so yay. Monday's aren't too bad. Though I don't have a job. So that probably helps.

  2. Monday's suck almost always, but it was a holiday up here in Canada, so I liked this monday.

  3. Not a bad video but it only contains the minimum number of pieces of flare and you know what we think about people who only do the bare minimum...

    I hope you get the chance to do something fun on Wednesday.

  4. Oh Monday's aren't so bad... I thin I would've enjoyed this more if I'd ever watched Office Space. I can tell it's well made but just.. what?

  5. Nobody likes Mondays and even though this is now a Tuesday for me thanks for sharing this video man, seriously awesome stuff.

  6. I've never actually watched the Matrix in its entirety...

  7. LOL! Two of my favorite movies! :D
