Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Movie Review: Snow White and the Huntsman

best part of the movie right here ^^^
I didn't really know what to expect with this one. Part of me was stoked to see Charlize Theron looking hot on the big screen and see Thor (Chris Hemsworth) smash shit with a giant ax. The other part of me realized this was a movie about Snow White starring Twilight girl (Kristen Stewart) and was suddenly terrified. Well, luckily, the movie isn't all that bad. In fact, I would argue it could have actually been really good if it weren't for two things:

1)                                              Kristen Stewart
Twilight really drops the ball in this flick. I mean, she's pretty and does a good job looking all gorgeous and stuff while covered in dirt and sporting messy hair and all, but whenever she opens her mouth to speak the movie literally comes to a screeching halt. It came to a point where I suddenly wished I was watching The Little Mermaid, the part where Ariel trades her voice for legs and can't speak. Twilight would have been PERFECT in that role. Not so much here unfortunately.

2) Editing
Well, I don't have an image for this. Sue me (please don't!). This version of Snow White chucks all the Disney cartoon cheese out the window and strives for a darker, more fantastical live action version. They succeed fairly well in this department. My main beef is that the editing is annoying as hell. Whoever put this film together must have ADD I swear. The shots jump all over the damn place and it starts getting old real fast. Example: dramatic scene where the group mourns a fallen friend. The camera sticks on each person's grieving reaction for all of 1 second. Talk about killing the dramatic mood.

SHE'S the fairest of them all
Other than that this is pretty ok movie. Thor smashes shit with his hamm...ax, and grunts alot. Charlize Theron looks amazing and if I hadn't just seen her play evil incarnate 10x in Prometheus, I'd say her turn as the evil queen is the most wicked performance of her career. Also, the movie has some pretty rad special effects. Like mind bogglingly cool. I can imagine the director watched Pan's Labyrinth every night/morning for inspiration while shooting. I mean that as a compliment. Either way, not a horrible movie by any means, it just could have been so much better if it had a stronger lead actress.


  1. This film doesn't sound too great to me, although I thought of it in a lower opinion than before I read your review man, Charlize Theron has to make it though, I love her.

  2. Dude Twilight probably could have been better with a better leading actress. Sounds like it was a pretty decent movie, if you know when to cover your ears, but I agree that changing camera angles and everything would really ruin the mood. When people are mourning you focus on each one for at least a few seconds, and you fade out in to other people.

  3. Sounds like one I'll watch when it hits the $5 bin at walmart, maybe.

  4. Thanks for the review, might watch it. :)

  5. The way you mention the editing is such a huge turn off for me. I just, I can't enjoy that.

  6. I'm a fan of Pan's Labyrinth myself. I was hoping that this new Snow White movie would be good because it certainly does look stylish in the commercials. Oh well...

  7. Ever since I saw Monster, I've had big time admiration for Charlize Theron. And Thor is pretty hot too. But fucking Kristen Stewart playing "the fairest of them all"...?!?!? What the fuck is that about? She looks like an old, strung-out, slack-jawed mouth breather and does not deserve all the stupid hype. Cesar Millan could have done a better job than her.

  8. Bad editing can really wreck a movie! I think I'm gonna watch this movie, just cause of your review on it! If those are the only complaints I can live with them! Thanks!

  9. hahahaha.lol on "twilight" comment. She is pretty and boring and some guys may find it catchy or attractive. You are tempting me to watch this movie.
    let me see, happy 4th of July

  10. I was sort of terrified from the twilight girl too, but im deff wondering how good this movie is, because i love the story. :D

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  11. thanks for the review - think I will Netflix it and save money...don't care for the twilight franchise at all - suffered through one book and the first movie - think I aged out...

  12. I didn't watch it on cinema because my brother told me it's just a waste of money so I decided to just wait for the dvdrip :)

  13. ugh... the crow with the queens eye is flipping creepy. lol.
