Thursday, July 7, 2011

History FAIL

I'm a strange guy. I seem to enjoy things most people genuinely hate. From light speed death metal with blast beats at 250bpms (lul wat?), uber depressing films, abstaining from recreational drug & alcohol use, you hate it and I'll probably love it. It's always been this way though. Even as a kid I liked all the crap in school everyone else yawned at. Figures I would grow up and a get a useless BA in History (cum laude...but who's asking?).

So it always brings a smile to my face when I see people flub basic history facts. It especially warms my heart when I see Right-wing/holier than thou/"Real American" douche lords totally butcher their oh so cherished American history. In this day and age, with the power of the internetz, you can look up just about anything...and yet they FAIL regardless. Gotta love it.

Here's the always awesome Sarah Palin misspeaking about the exploits of Paul Revere.

Finally, it's Michele Bachmann's turn. She is the scarier upgrade to Palin's cutesy/batshit conservative persona. The T-1000 to Palin's T-800/Schwarzenegger if you will. Here she is re-imagining the nature of The United States of America's creation, that our nation was founded by noble abolitionist...children?

lulz. I love it. I really do.


  1. Politicians are notoriously stupid and have no sense of humour. Also lightning speed death metal is brilliant. Arch Enemy are a current favourite of mine.

  2. This is really a fail history! cool history bro

  3. Aww they're cute when they try to act intelligent.

  4. This must be such a kick for you. I mean I just see them and then see the facts and say "wow, idiots can't even do research". But you must take it to a new level, don'tcha

  5. I love how she's such an idiot. Followed.

  6. the thing is that most people tend to not pick up on this and just go with what they say. and then he says or she says and soon the uninformed statement spreads like wildfire, which eventually becomes what people think to be true. the media kinda sucks like that.

  7. the worst thing about the palin thing is that she had just visited a museum about paul revere.

  8. America, ladies and gentlemen.

  9. oh sarah palin... just go away please...

  10. man, come on. she could prove useful from behind not even then

  11. Sarah Palin is still in the news? She is so annoying.

  12. Oh snap! she doesn't know much :D

  13. So , you loved what other people hate? Arent those species called nerds and geeks?
    Michele Bachmann is new Sarah Palin. :)
    I should look forward to Bachmann's dictionary too.

  14. she fails in every way possible lol.

  15. busted, thats all id would like to say

  16. Palin is hilarious - can't believe shes ever mentioned in same scentence as president

  17. Great work on the blog! keep up the good content!
