Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Delayed return

my Blogger VS Youtube face.
Remember how I said I was back to the blogging world? Well a few things have slowed down my triumphant return.

1st, my internet was down Monday morning before I left for work. 2nd, Blogger and Youtube have fallen out of sync on my computer so every time I log into my Youtube account to access my "favorites/watch later" lists to share here...I get logged out of my blog and vice versa. 3rd. I got a speeding ticket last night and this has me in RAGE mode because that shit is going to be expensive and it's literally all I can think about right now.

Google's Blogger and Youtube FINALLY seem to be at peace with each other so now I can hopefully get this show on the road again. *crosses fingers*


  1. I'm sure one day all internet stuff will be on one easy to use web site. And then you'll have something to rage about!

  2. Agree, I eventually just switched my youtube account to my blogging account with all my favorites and stuff intact.

  3. oh, yeah. i also have them under the same google account.

  4. I would've opened in another browser. Also, speeding tickets suck. Sorry, man.

  5. too having issues with blogger. I am planning to go to wordpress once I have my own domain.

  6. yeah you gotta consolidate all your google stuff into one account eventually, its terrible

  7. gosh dang I really hate it when my internets goes down... I feel like I am all disconnected from the world. lol.

  8. I've been having problems with Youtube too.

  9. That's balls. Fuckin goog and their account consolidation.

  10. Same thing happens to me. When something goes wrong, everything goes wrong.

  11. Speeding tickets are arse gravy mate.

  12. Sorry about the speeding ticket. It's been a while since I got one, but they leave me steaming for a few days afterwards.

  13. Those things would enrage me as well.

  14. It's alarming how upsetting it has become when I am unable to read others blogs.
