Friday, August 26, 2011

DrumTHRONE: Intro

As revealed in my LEGENDARY interview with Zombies Everywhere back in June...I'm a drummer. Well sometimes. Living in an apartment and trying to practice one foot blasts all night is kind of impossible. Sadly, for the past few years my drums have been crammed into various garages and guest rooms at friend's houses. I only get to play them once in a blue moon but hey, when I do it's pretty fun/tiring/awesome. Here's an old clip of my girlfriend goofing around on my kit (6 piece Gretsch Catalina Ash...ebay FTW!).

The drums are somewhere else now, in a smaller room and set up in a much smaller configuration. Woe is me. etc. etc.

So this marks the beginning of a new installment here at Jim's Fear I like to call DrumTHRONE. It's like the drum geek version of Crunch Time, but instead of wetting my panties over heavy metal guitar riffs, I'll gush over the dudes that bash shit real good with sticks. Stay tuned the first official installment soon!


  1. How about more chicks with drums?

  2. Yes, chicks with drums, I'm with Allen.

  3. I third that suggestion. More chicks with drums!

  4. old girlfriend? She looks so young and hot..

  5. Guys, he said old clip of his girlfriend, they might just still be together, try not to flatter her -too- much

    Am I the only one excited for drummer talk?

  6. Damn, i would love to be able to play the drums, no room though :(

  7. your gf is cute and i beast mode every hockey game, just gotta giver ya know

  8. The drummer from Def Lepord only had one arm!

  9. looks good, sounds....looks good! :D

  10. I've always wanted to try out and play a set of drums like that

  11. let me know when it comes out.
    will check it out :)

  12. Great video! Really enjoyed watching it! Thanks for the update

  13. We need a clip of you playing!

  14. Nice set! ;) Oh the ambiguity!
    I support females and percussion.
