Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama/Romney Rap Battle

I worked last night so, I'm catching up on the Presidential debate on youtube. No matter, this video is the only debate that matters:


  1. I love the Epic Rap Battles Of History and this fails to disappoint man it's incredible. "You're a decent politician with a winning complexion," originally blew me away but once Obama starts rapping I think he's the winner, this is amazing and it's so hard to pick a winner but I love this man, it's made me a lot more interested in the poltical debate and I wish they'd rap instead.

    Abraham wins instead though, he's destroyed both of them.

  2. As much as I love the Epic Rap Battles I don't think Obama was a good rapper. He had some good points, and pwned Mitt, but the flow and just his voice wasn't very good. I know that is how Obama talks though so screw it. Abe won of course. He verbally and physically bitch slapped the both of them.

  3. Abe was a bit of a surprise and the winner!

  4. guy playing obama is pretty good
    guy playing romney isn't, way too much emotion

  5. I wondered how one sided it'd be. It was funny how it went through at the end, that kicked ass.
