Thursday, November 4, 2010

On Loop

Feeling a bit under the weather. Not full blown sick (yet) but definitely fighting something. This seems to happen every time I purchase a new Disney dvd. On the nights Little Mermaid and Aladdin were released I ended up curled in ball sweating with a fever in my girlfriend's lap. Went and got Toy Story 3 on election day and here I am still feeling like garbage two days later. Moral of the story...don't support Disney least you want your body to shut down!

I've been listening to these two songs A LOT in my semi-conscious state. The last half of Torche's new EP Songs For Singles....good stuff.


  1. Good songs, thank you for those.

    And wtf is up with the Disney sickness?? If you were to ever buy a Disney box set of anything I bet Walt would come back from the dead and tear you a new one.

  2. That's unfortunate, I hope you get to feeling better.

  3. My flatmates watched The Aristrocats in Russian last night. I wasn't invited, but it sounded fun. I love Russian Disney.

  4. But disney are awesome, love them so much.

  5. Not sure how I feel about the songs..

  6. Growing up with TS 1 and 2 I got teary eyed when I saw Three, The songs are great!

  7. I was fighting the slowest moving sinus infection last week, it took like 4 days to actually set in fully

  8. Disney does not approve of adults buying their products meant for kids ;O

  9. awesome stuff, keep it up!

  10. thanks for visiting my blogs! :)

  11. that's a very good song... do you have any other ones?

  12. wow, that gives me something to think about

  13. this is one of your better posts imo!
